Becton Management Solutions, LLC
Refereed Journal Articles
Becton, J.B., Walker, H.J., Gilstrap, J.B., & Schwager, P. (2017). Is What You See What You Get? Investigating the relationship between social media content and counterproductive work behaviors, alcohol consumption, and episodic heavy drinking. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-22.
Becton, J.B., Carr, J.C., Mossholder, K.W, & Walker, H.J. (2017). Differential Effects of Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Job Complexity on Voluntary Turnover. Journal of Business & Psychology, 32(4), 495-508.
Becton, J.B., Gilstrap, J.B., & Forsyth, M. (2017). Preventing and correcting workplace harassment: Guidelines for employers. Business Horizons, 60(1), 101-111.
Drake, J. R., Hall, D. J., Becton, J. B., & Posey, C. (2016). Applicants' Information Privacy Protection Responses Following Human Resource Departments' Requests To Access Social Media. AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction - Special Issue on HCI and Human Resource Information Systems, 4(8), 160-184.
Becton, J.B., Walker, H.J., & Jones-Farmer, A. (2014). Generational Differences in Workplace Behaviors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44(3), 175-189.
Press Coverage: Fast Company
Press Coverage: Pacific Standard
Becton, J.B., Matthews, M.C., Hartley, D.L., & Whitaker, L.D. (2012). Biodata as a Predictor of Errors, Tardiness, Policy Violations, Overall Job Performance, and Turnover among U.S. Nurses. Journal of Management & Organization, 18(5), 714-727.
Frankforter, S.A., Becton, J.B., Stanwick, P.A., & Coleman, C. (2012). Backdated stock options and boards of directors: An examination of committees, structure, and process. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 20(6), 562-574.
Walker, H.J., Feild, H.S., Bernerth, J. & Becton, J.B. (2012). Diversity Cues on Recruitment Websites: Investigating the Effects on Job Seekers’ Information Processing. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 214-224.
Becton, J.B., Carr, J., & Judge, T.A. (2011). Is the Past Prologue for Some More than Others?: The Hobo Syndrome and Job Complexity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79, 448-460.
Ioimo, R., Becton, J.B., Meadows, L.M., Tears, R.S., & Charles, M.T. (2011). Comparing Urban and Rural Police Views of Bias-based Policing. Professional Issues in Criminal Justice, 6 (1&2), 53-81.
Becton, J.B. & Feild, H.S. (2009). Cultural Differences in Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Comparison of Chinese and American Workers. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(4), 792-810.
Becton, J.B., Matthews, M.C., Hartley, D.L., & Whitaker, D.H. (2009). Using Biodata to Predict Turnover, Organizational Commitment, & Job Performance in the Healthcare Industry. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 17(2), 189-202.
Becton, J.B., & Schraeder, M. (2009). Strategic Human Resource Management: Are We There Yet? Journal for Quality and Participation, 31(4), 11-18.
Stanley, B., Frankforter, S., & Becton, J.B. (2009). The nominating committee as an antecedent of effective corporate governance. Journal of Business & Leadership: Research, Practice and Teaching, 5(1)19-28.
Ioimo, R., Becton, J.B., Meadows, L.A., Tears, R.S., & Charles, M.T. (2009). Comparing the Police and Citizen Views on Biased Policing. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 22 (2), 123 - 140.
Becton, J.B., Feild, H.S., Giles, W.F., & Jones-Farmer, A. (2008). Racial Differences in Promotion Candidate Performance and Reactions to Selection Procedures: A Field Study in a Diverse Top-Management Context. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 265-286.
Becton, J.B., Giles, W.F., & Schraeder, M.S. (2008). Evaluating and Rewarding OCBs: Potential Effects of Incorporating Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Performance Appraisal Systems. Employee Relations, 30 (5), 494-514.
Frankforter, S.A., Martin, M.C., Becton, J.B. & Hill, V. (2008). Shareholder Votes to Rescind Poison Pill Takeover Defenses: CEO and Director Effects. Journal of Business, Industry, and Economics, 11, 19-28.
Frankforter, S.A., & Becton, J.B. (2008). CEO Compensation, Backdated Stock Options, and Compensation Committees. Journal of Business & Leadership: Research, Practice and Teaching, 4, 64-69.
Ioimo, R., Meadows, L.A., Becton, J.B., Tears, R.S., & Charles, M.T. (2008). The Citizens’ Views on Biased Policing. Professional Issues in Criminal Justice, 3(1), 1-13.
Schraeder, M.S., Becton, J.B., & Portis, R. (2007). A Critical Examination of Performance Appraisals: Organizational Asset or Liability? Journal for Quality and Participation, 30, 20-25.
Ioiomo, R., Meadows, L.A., Tears, R.S., Becton, J.B., & Charles, M.T. (2007). The Police View of Bias-Based Policing. Police Quarterly, 10, 270-287.
Becton, J.B., & Schraeder, M. (2004). Participant Input Into Rater Selection: Effects On The Quality And Acceptance of 360o Feedback Ratings. Public Personnel Management, 33, 23-32.
Schraeder, M., & Becton, J.B. (2004). An Overview of Recent Trends in Incentive Pay Programs. Coastal Business Journal, 2, 18-27.